All in diary

Mother Hen, Q Dinner Parties & Loneliness

Hi friend,

I hosted a dinner last night. The chickens were terribly stubborn.


To me the evidence of a great dinner party, and life, is not found in the harmony of the people coming together but the unity of a group of people who love with grace and honesty. True growth in life will never be found in us being “mother hens” over the problems we face, to fix them and make our lives easy. That’s not what the discussion of loneliness should be about, and wouldn’t ever succeed anyway. We have to allow ourselves and other people the honest challenge of their lives, their path of growth.


L. Raine

Five Books that Shaped my Life

Hey you,

“There is a right way and a wrong way to read books; books are not perfect. They are not idols to be adored or depended on to be the truth in our life. They are fallible, written by fallible people. However taking into consideration the fallibility of humanity we can yet consider that God used such people to write the Bible, a book that has endured thousands of years. It is possible that the truth of life is contained in the pages of the books of mankind, and if we mine for it we might discover gold. “


L. Raine

Stage Fright

Hey you,

“She didn’t settle. When we hear “don’t settle” we usually think of marrying the person who will help us become the best, be friends with the right people, be wealthier, have a successful career, achieve great things and prove our worth. That’s not what I mean. I mean Katie seemed like the person who knows we don’t build our worth through other people, but through the value of sacrifice. That when you truly love people, sometimes you have to love first…”

L. Raine

Why I no longer Croak about Clothing Trends

Hey you,

I used to think trends the most horrific thing imaginable in style, and would skirt broadly around anything approaching flash in style. Wide leg pants? Never! Plastic earrings? What fresh horror…

We all get to laugh at ourselves down the road.


L. Raine

A Day in the Ideal Life

Hey you,

When they say dare to dream, they really mean, “dreams are hard work.” Which means we achieve the ones that are 100% worth it to us, because those are the ones we sacrifice to realize.


L. Raine

Buying Someone Else's Dream


Is minimalism for you? Here’s a dream-inspired rant that I went on after reading an article about how successful people wear “uniforms.” The air quotes might tell you a little something about my feeling on the matter, but read on if you wish.

Sassy today,
L. Raine