Impractical Bucket List
Hey you,
While cleaning up my Google Drive I came across all kinds of old, hilarious documents, including an impractical bucket list. Just for kicks and giggles, I’m posting a [slightly edited] list here.
The point to this is to jot down a bunch of stuff as fast as you can with no thought as to whether or not it will or could actually happen. It’s super fun, and I need two lifetimes. In retrospect, I’m surprised to see how many I’ve done already. I didn’t denote every one completed, but added a few fun links for memory’s sake.
Impractical Bucket List
Live in a small stone villa in Italy, or cottage near the North Sea in Sweden. Well, Europe in general.
Go on an extended tour through South America or parts of Africa. Maybe accompany a medical team as photojournalist.
Accompany the design and makeup team on a movie set. Assist.
Dye my hair dark red
Hike in Peru and Patagonia.
Eat at a 5 star restaurant.
Learn Spanish fully, learn French.
Take a walk across Spain
Spend a summer delivering flowers in the Bay Area
Get married.
Become a psychotherapist, or trauma counselor for kids.
Take my family to the coffee farm in Guatemala, nestled on top of the mountain with mists and a view for company. Drink hot coffee morning and night.
Live in large city with the ROJ
Live in a coastal town
Become a painter of watercolors and oil paintings.
Have a garden/conservatory/studio
Write a book. Write more books!
Grow a garden
Own my dream house
Sleep on a rooftop
Wear a backless dress to a gala.
Swim under a waterfall
Vacation in Hawaii
Own a sailboat, learn to sail. Not necessarily in that order.
Take a trip around the world.
Sing confidently in public.
Have a curly haired little girl and little boy. Hopefully not at the same time.
Adopt two kids.
Teach a kid or adult to read.
Own a deep red velvet blazer
Spend a year studying in South America, or Norway
Own the perfect pair of sandals. Dunno what they are, but I want them.
Ride horseback on a beach, at dusk
Explore Boston
Take a solo trip
Meet a hero.
Bob my hair
Learn ballroom, swing, and Latin dancing.
Grow heaps of roses, peonies, and poppies.
Live where lilacs grow
Sit beside a celebrity on a plane (probably forget to wear deodorant that day).
Swim in the buff in Lake Como
Work in a vineyard for awhile
Use wallpaper in my house
Live in a brick home (I now live in a stucco home, does that count?)
Walk through parts of the Black Forest in Germany
Take my husband to Antigua to laugh at the fountain
Own the red dress of my dreams
Establish a mentor ship program to help kids begin to build their lives (didn’t establish this one, but working on growing it).
Successfully wear, and like, lipstick. Done the first, but not the second.
Take a friend on an all-expense paid trip of their dream
See Hamilton, Phantom of the Opera, and Les Mis on Broadway
Oh, there’s so much more I could add to this. There’s so much to do! Life is full and well.
Clearly I will need adventure buddies. Who’s in?
L. Raine
Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash