A Secret Week in Paris

A Secret Week in Paris


On a crispish, Autumn day two and a half years ago, I sat in the Luxumbourg gardens in Paris soaking in a few stray rays of sunshine and watching the old men play a version of shuffleboard, and I fell in love with Paris. 

Today, on this blossoming spring day in Paris, the Striped Pineapple and I are just landed (about an hour ago) and headed to our spot near Le Marais, where we plan to find all the bakeries in a quarter mile radius. The excitement is real! We plan to soak in art, eat food to capacity, and walk our little feet off. There will be picnics by the Eiffel and I have plans to become intimately acquainted with the Jardin des Tuileries. Last time we had a tête-à-tête and this time there will be a long, cozy talk between friends. 

We kept the trip a secret from most everybody because it was delightful that way, and because otherwise our friends would have gotten sick of hearing about the pending plans. Also, there may have been the factor of wanting to surprise some of our friends with a "look where we woke up!" set of photos. 

If you'd like to follow along my Instagram account is here, and the Striped Pineapple can be found here

Join us, 

L. Raine

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