Get up, get dressed, and Laugh at the Days to Come

Get up, get dressed, and Laugh at the Days to Come

Hi you, 

Couldn't figure out what to wear this morning, eh? It's been a rough week/month/year/s and you're considering staying in pajamas all day or, if you have a job and have to, wear whatever takes least effort.

We've all been there. No one is going to see me so it doesn't matter, and plus, the inside is more important anyway, right? But what if the inside is falling apart? What about when you're in the middle of a tricky or downright hellish season in life and it's hard to care? The first thing that we usually want to skip is our appearance. But it's the last thing we should neglect. 

Surviving while Prepping for Thriving

Human minds have a wonderful way of flipping the coin to expose another side, while conveniently forgetting that it is still the same coin. It's still you with the messy bun and leggings, and it's still you on date night with the lovely makeup and LBD. Each is as real as the other. You are a multi-faceted human being. You will experience many things. We feel like hell inside sometimes, and the difficulty is making little choices in that time when all we want to do is lie in the mud.

You can't stake your identity there. It may be something that is happening to you, but it isn't YOU. If you believe that you are what is happening to you, then may Heaven grant you much mercy because the misery will never end. 


This. This is why I'm passionate about making the effort to take care of yourself. In difficult or good times of life it is of vast important to get up, get dressed, and laugh at the days to come. Solomon never once said to do this because that's how you feel, he just said that a woman clothed in strength and dignity does this. She chooses to be strong. I've mentioned this recently but I loved a quote from a mom of 8 kids, a TV host, and author who said "I just do it with all the strength in the world and it works out." 

She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she is beautiful. 

Here is my challenge to you, whether life is easy or hard right now. Carve out a little time every morning, five minutes if that's what you can get, and do something that makes you feel alive and lovely. Perhaps for you it is to shower, to style your hair, or wear a touch of blush and lipstick, or to manicure your nails. Whatever it is don't compromise. Little things are very important. 

Because who you are is different from where you are, and taking time for the little moments of self-care will help you to realize the truth that the difficult times will pass and you will come out on top: strong and laughing. 

For a good read on how to discover personal style and make it your own. Building my closet with pieces I love has also gone a long way to helping me get dressed on bad days. Highly recommended read from L. Raine. 


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