L. Raine

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An Adoption Letter from a Proud Auntie

Will and Tate, 

You know, this is the first time I can say your names publicly and you can't imagine how much pride and joy it gives me to introduce you to my world. Look at how little you guys were! 

I remember when your mom and dad told us they were signing up for foster care. Then you guys made an appearance and we were all thrilled. You were "ours" from the start, part of the family whether you stayed for the expected few weeks or longer. We all knew that you have another family and mommy, but were glad to be stand-in cousins, uncles and aunts, and grandparents (I know the rest of the family felt this way because they said so). 

I had moved away by this time and I hated that I wasn't around to hang out with you guys more; now three years later with you two as official Ebys I'm so excited that it worked out for me to come to Michigan in a month and spend time with y'all for the summer. 

You know, it's about time we have more curly tops in the family. I've been about the only one for so long that I'm secretly jumping for joy to have some company at last. 

I promise we'll never forget where you came from, but I also want you to know that you're part of us. We're so happy and proud to have you in the family. 
